Posted by
Chris Campbell
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I won't claim to have a handle or comprehensive understanding on every issue, but I do have somewhat of a grasp on a good portion of the issues. As far as a barometer, since this is the first time I've done this, if I were to have graded George W. Bush each year, he would have received an F eight consecutive years. And I don't mean that sarcastically. He may have received better marks on specific issues (AIDS in Africa), but his overall marks would have totalled eight consecutive Fs.
Now to Barack:
Health Care: He still may get something through, but this has been very close to a failure. It's been his #1 priority for well over six months, he's exhausted the country with the back-and-forth, and he's
yet to really show even a sliver of leadership. I mean, we don't know where he stands on the public option? And he went to big pharma and big insurance first? That's the antithesis of change.
Grade: C-Economy: He stabled the Dow, but as Son Volt's lead-singer Jay Farrar sings, "Who the hell is Dow Jones anyway? Society's bones on a cafeteria tray." That's pretty much how I see it. I'm not so much disgusted with the bailouts, but with the lack of stipulations tied to those bailouts. Were there any? Or were these just blind handouts. Sickening. I thought Wall Street disgusted me during the days of Bush? It's even worse during the Obama administration. And he's only helped to inflate that angst. I never thought that we'd see job growth until well into 2010, so no, I didn't expect immediate results, but the path thus far has been sub-par. The stimulus package has had some successes, but as Krugman predicted, it should have been bigger. Barack needs to visit Detroit.
Grade: C-Energy and the Environment: I liked his choice for Energy Secretary, but I've seen nary a mention from Barack on the need for the U.S. to lead on alternative energy. I hoped Obama would make the environment a national priority. He has not.
Grade: CEducation: Did Arne Duncan join a pick-up hoops league that's traveling throughout Europe? I don't think I've heard more than a quip out of Barack for the need to massively reform education in this country.
Grade: DForeign Policy: He helped restore our image around the world, but I think that goodwill is starting to level. He's not damaging us on this front, but the high hopes from the rest of the world are fading. They seem to be thinking, "It's not Bush, but well, it's America."
Grade: BThe Wars: No end in sight in Iraq and Obama rarely even mentions this war. As far as Afghanistan goes, as he always seems to do, he took the middle ground. His General wanted 50,000 troops or so, so Barack tosses him 30,000. But what's the mission? Aren't there now more Al Qaeda in Mobile, Alabama than there are in Afghanistan? I agree that the Taliban needs to be destroyed, but is this possible?
Grade: CNational Security: I'm not completely up-to-speed on everything here, but I've been fairly pleased with Janet N.
Grade: BLeadership: Not nearly the backbone he showed on the campaign trail, in debates and leading up to his election. He needs to fire Emanuel.
Grade: D+His Team: I'm happy with Biden and fairly happy with Clinton. I think Holder's soft. I like Gates. Surprisingly, I don't detest Geithner, but I think he should be replaced. Sebelius has not been very good at all, nor has Duncan. Emanuel needs to go: his false arrogance doesn't work or sway anyone.
Grade: B-Promises: Remember all those promises? Guantanamo closed within a year? Transparency? Changing Washington? Ending "Don't Ask, Don't Tell?" Ending torture (have we?)?
Grade: D"Change": Obama has arguably been more in bed with Wall Street and big lobbyists than his predecessor. Okay, that can't be possible, but he's certainly spent
far too much time appeasing them. If he doesn't change course on this front fast, as in this very second, the democrats are doomed in 2010 and Lou Dobbs will be president in 2012.
Grade: D Overall: It's been a rough first year for President Obama. It still can't be understated the absolute disaster he was handed: two dysfunctional wars, an economy in free fall, a world against us, and eight years of disastrous policies on just about every front. I am one who firmly believes that George W. Bush and Dick Cheney should be behind bars for the remainder of their lives. All that being said, I didn't expect huge changes in the first 12 months. I knew it would take years and years to get us back on course. However, Obama has proven so frail and indecisive on so many issues that he deserves a lot of the backlash. I didn't care if he passed health care reform in the first year; I just cared that he took some firm positions. On the economy, I wanted him to hold big business and the banks accountable. I wanted him to instruct Holder to go after those who broke major, major laws in the previous administration and again,
tortured folks. Such abhorrent activity is contrary to everything this country stands for. I wanted him to at least mention alternative energy. Maybe a few words about our crumbling schools. Hopefully last night's election in Massachusetts will open up his eyes, but something tells me it won't. I think Barack's become so entrenched in the ways of Washington that he may have a tough time climbing out, seeing the realities of what he saw from 2006-2008 and being that man again. But I guess there's still "hope."
Overall Grade: C-